trust your spirit – feel your passion - walk your talk - persist - and you will rise
spiritual teacher
"Your individual beauty
is so the truth you are
so know it, celebrate it
be total from the heart
for there will be no other you.. EVER!"
"listen real close to the song in your heart
for it sings of the dream of your spirit"


listening closely to your own heart connects you to you

listening closely to another honours their spirit too

genuine open listening spaces are where we truly grow, here at the cutting edge of fresh perspectives, ideas, views and dreams shared

especially those which are very different from our own

if you see a world filled with opposites
then life's a battlefield
in a world of complimentaries
all life becomes your teacher

holistic center
"the best friends make the time
to listen when it's important
yet still stand and offer their honest opinions
with love from a generous heart"


sharing with others aligns us with source and with our sacred role in the family of all life

sharing in relationship challenges you to be honest, compassionate, vulnerable and true

true to your own heart while ever remaining deeply respectful & compassionate towards others

all at the same time

holistic center
"quietly realize the miracle of each breath
each time you breathe in the gift of life
let go, breathe out and release...
sharing a thousand blessings"


joe continues to provide both one-to-one private sessions and mentoring support, in person or online, for those who feel drawn to use them

this gives you personal access to a wide variety of traditional techniques

here working together we select the best approach to achieve the best results for you in your particular healing process, personal growth or life path situation

each and every trial you come through as you grow
confirms you're kick ass stronger than you know

holistic center
"be sure to take the time each day
to savour those little moments in your life
not to do so is like walking away
in the middle of a beautiful song"


joe facilitates a range of seminars, workshops and courses on a wide range of areas

these include traditional healing, shamanism, angels amd angel therapy, dowsing divining, tantra yoga, and other areas related to personal growth, renewal and spiritual life path & purpose

holistic center
"may people ever remember you
for the compassion they've seen in your eyes
and the way you've touched their hearts"

videos with joe

each video here provides another way to become more familiar with joe and his work

if you feel the content here speaks strongly to you then you'll find the resources here will support your life path too

tap here to watch more videos
"Each seed of love and kindness you plant deep within your heart,
eventually flowers everywhere"

Additional Resources

"step back & study any irrational fears you have
objectively and curiously from a distance
because that really creeps them out!"